Week 7: Truth or Fiction – Digital Photography

I Was There. Just Ask Photoshop.

This article talks about the common applications of photographic manipulations. In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with digitally manipulating a particular photo as long it is your photo. For instance, I love to edit the color, tones and anything else to extreme measures. I have a keen imagination and I would like to “recreate” everything I imagine. Photoshop really comes in handy when it comes to a situation like this one.
In his article I Was There. Just Ask Photoshop. Alex Williams talks about a woman who removed her ex-husband from all her photos in order to create a new reality, which is “much more pleasant.” In her own reality she knows that these things happened, but she wants to remember them in a good way. She wants to keep only the good and pleasant memories. I don’t really think that this can help in this situation, because when she takes a look at these photos in 10 years, she will remember his presence there and he will be still a part of the whole experience. It is not that easy to forget someone (especially if this person was your husband). Anyway, I don’t really see anything wrong in this situation. I mean.. the photos belong to her and she has the right to do whatever she wants with them. I, personally, wouldn’t do this. I’d rather delete the photos, but it was her choice.

What are the limits that you feel are appropriate for editing a photograph?
Do you think that cropping her husband was the best solution to Laura’s problem? 

One response to “Week 7: Truth or Fiction – Digital Photography

  1. I think for personal use, you can do anything that you want with a photograph that belongs to you. There are no limits, unless it hurts someone in the process. I think what Laura did was silly and immature, but it is her prerogative. On day, she might look back and be sorry that she eliminated him from all of her pictures; I hope she kept some originals as well. If she did, it wouldn’t be so bad. I think no matter what, when she will looks at the pictures, she will probably still remember that he was there.

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